Emergency Response
Call 800.872.8207 for Emergency Assistance
Click here for a video of FRWA's Emergency Response Efforts.
The Florida Rural Water Association’s (FRWA) staff is an integral part of emergency response team. Each employee has a variety of duties that are assigned to them when it comes to providing assistance to our members in an event of a natural disaster, such as a hurricane, tornadoes, flooding, etc. If system(s} are impacted by such events, we are prepared to provide such services as:
Tracking events
Coordinate equipment/assistances
Pre-deployment of equipment
Assets and personnel
Response and restore services
Tracking assets (e.g., emergency back-up generators, pumps, motors, etc.).
FRWA is a major partner with Water-Wastewater Agency Response Network, a formalized system of 'utilities helping utilities' to address mutual aid during emergency situations. We have revised the Vulnerability Assessment template to help systems update the ones they have, suggesting that systems think about cyber security, climate change, and other items that have come about sense 9/11 and also include wastewater facilities in this template. The Association wants every member to be well trained and educated when it comes to emergency response preparedness and response, and will assist in every aspect of Emergency Response when needed. We take a very proactive stance with our members and help them to be prepared the best that they can be in case of an emergency.
If you have any questions, please call 850.668.2746 or email frwa@frwa.net.
Emergency Response Information
Weather Related
FRWA ERP Template Simplified PDF
FRWA ERP Template Simplified in Word
Complete 10 HP VFD Instructions
Instructions for Construction a VFD Control Box
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