Funding Opportunities
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In November 2021, President Biden signed the Bipartisan Infrastructure Bill (BIL) which provides for significant federal investments in transportation, broadband, water, and other types of infrastructure. Specifically, the BIL will deliver more than $50 billion to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for water infrastructure investments to improve our nation’s drinking water, wastewater, and stormwater infrastructure. In many programs, the increased funding will flow to states, tribes, and communities over five years, beginning in 2022.
Florida’s Allotment Details of the BIL
- Funding will be distributed through the Florida Department of Environmental Protection’s (FDEP) Division of Water Restoration Assistance (DWRA) State Revolving Fund (SRF) low-interest loan programs.
- A portion of the BIL funding is required to be used for Principal Forgiveness in the SRF programs, in which a portion of the loan’s principal can be forgiven or paid off by a companion grant for eligible borrowers (i.e. disadvantaged communities or small and disadvantaged communities).
- Some funding is dedicated towards specific subsets of the Clean Water SRF (CWSRF) and Drinking Water SRF (DWSRF) programs.
- These additional funding sources have not added new project eligibilities to either SRF program.
- Projects eligible to receive this new funding are currently eligible under the CWSRF and DWSRF rules.
- Projects to receive this supplemental funding must meet all laws and rules of the existing SRF programs.
Florida’s Year One BIL Funding Amounts (more funding will be available per year, over five years total, but the amounts may be different each year)
- Clean Water State Revolving Fund for wastewater, stormwater, and other eligible water quality infrastructure projects - $60.5 million (49% required Principal Forgiveness)
- Clean Water Emerging Contaminants – an additional $3.1 million (100% required Principal Forgiveness)
- Drinking Water State Revolving Fund for drinking water infrastructure - $70.6 million (49% required Principal Forgiveness)
- Drinking Water Emerging Contaminants – an additional $29.6 million (100% required Principal Forgiveness)
- Drinking Water Lead Service Line Replacement – an additional $111.3 million (49% required Principal Forgiveness)
For information and guidelines on how EPA will award and administer State Revolving Fund Capitalization Grants in the BIL, see the Implementation of the Clean Water and Drinking Water State Revolving Fund Provisions of the Bipartisan Infrastructure EPA guidance memo. more
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